This is real, this is me.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Thanksgiving break was great! I was so surprised and relived that nothing terrible went on. It started off ruff but ended  up good. I had a talk with my mom about her stupid boyfriend, in one ear and out the next. We had gone and looked at wedding dresses for her, and she made me pick out a bridesmaids dress. Talk about a slap in the face. Probably the hardest thing I have had to go through, only for her to top it off with "they don't know when the date will be." Justin and I had originally picked October 18, 2014 (because its our dating anniversary) a WEEK after I told my mom that she said well John and I picked October 15. Floored is about the best way to discribe out I felt so after talking it over with Justin we decided that July 18, 2014 would be best since we are both planning to be teachers, no work, and plenty of time to have a honeymoon. I have said it from the beginning that she will pick something close to mine she's already dropped may as one... thats 2 months before mine and justins date that fits within the time period I said she would pick! UGH!!! 

But my title for this post isn't about my mom its about my friend Joffrey. I met Joffrey when we were in eight grade, we had a few classes and band together. shortly after Joffrey moved to Frisco we began to "date" (what do 14 year olds do when they are boyfriend and girlfriend? not much they just talk on the phone and say they are your boyfriend or girlfriend lol I wouldn't consider it really dating but he was the first boy I had ever called my boyfriend) Although we broke up about two months into it (typical) we still remained good friends all through out high school. Today I added Joffrey on Facebook and I kept seeing people say " I hope you are doing good, i'm praying for you" and then I saw his status' about being "weak" and even mentioned "chemo" a few times, I went back a few more status' and I found out that in September of this year he was diagnosed with Lymphoma. Since being diagnosed with this cancer he has had a full round of chemo and is now in Houston for special treatment and a second round of chemo, he has lost a lot of weight and all of his hair. I am completely heartbroken. He is such a sweet, caring guy who has a big heart and an incredible talent for playing his trombone. He is in my prayers and will be until God heals his body. 

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God" - John 14:1