This is real, this is me.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Chopped & ........

Well maybe...... nope definitely. 

I need roommates, any takers? any? ..... please....
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Next year is going to be an exciting year for me and I wanted people I like to share it with! 
Like an engagement..... March 2012... :D its coming. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring Break, Up To Date!

Boy oh boy! Its been a long time since I last logged on! I just came back two days ago from Spring break! The week we had of felt like only a day or two, there is never enough time when there are so many amazing people to see. Lets see if I can even remember what events happened over spring break. 

Friday, March 18, 2011- Justin and I left school after he had work (around 7:00PM) and we flew home, I mean, the speed limit of course! ( ha! me?! drive the speed limit?! naw.. more like 85) Luckily we made it home safely just a little before 10. Oh and it was mine and Justin's 17 month anniversary. :) 

Saturday, March 19,2011- I wish I could remember what I did, but this past week really is a blur to me now. ha! I'll be 20 in four months, I'm starting to feel the old age creep up on me.

Sunday, March 20, 2011- ...... again..... blurrrrrrr

Monday, March 21, 2011- I applied at a senior living center after I took Shelby to school that morning. Then went over to Aunt Linda and Uncle Phils to pick up Justin and Grandma so the five of us could go out to eat. We went to a new place (well new to me) called BJ'S it was decent, not my number one choice but it wasn't bad. Then we (Justin, Uncle Phil and I) spent the rest of the day shopping and picking up various different applications. By this time being home for a total of two days my asthma was OUT-OF-CONTROL and the worst part was.... I had no medicine or anything with me, not because I left it, it had expired! It had gotten so bad mom called the doctor and got me into their office immediately long story short, I got my medicines! I was more excited about that then if I would have just bought a new pair of shoes! weird? I know.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011- Was an exciting day! sort of? Being home and the different type of air and stuff in the air really was making breathing really difficult, the medicines had started working just yet. That morning Justin came over and took Shelby to school, then when I was ready I went with Justin to his eye appointment and since I had never been he let me come back, I was kinda of excited! It would have been really cool except I spent most of the time he was back there in the bathroom coughing uncontrollably eventually I just walked out side to cough so I could stop making people look at me weird. I finally settled down, and decided to go back inside and I missed the whole appointment but it was okay because I got to the most important part on time, picking out new glasses! :) Luckily, I gave my opinion before the coughing started again, I excused my self and went to the truck.... and threw up in Justin's truck.... luckily in a bag. Thank goodness Justin wasn't in the truck, talk about embarrassing! 

Wednesday, March 23,2011- I don't remember much about this day either but I do know that my asthma started to chill out! and it was a special day, Justin and I drove out to restland to go "visit" his mom and papa, and I was formally introduced to his mom (since she passed away before I met her). I was the first person to go out there with Justin and he wanted it to be special for us. Aunt Linda and Uncle Phil took us out to the Fish-shack, and we had CRAW FISH! The best I've ever had!
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Thursday, March 24, 2011- Justin had his second epidural shot that was localized to the L4 vertebra were his herniated disc is. He did great with going under and everything! He even walked out by himself, for the most part. Mimi got to meet daddy that day! 

Friday, March 25,2011-wedding, wedding, wedding, wedding, wedding. Who's? not mine, moms.  We went and looked at invitations, ideas for center pieces, favors, everything that goes into a wedding all about theirs. and then some of mine, hardly any though. 

Saturday, March 26,2011- Today was a very busy but fun day! We woke up early for breakfast together just Justin and I. Then dropped off a million applications that Justin picked up, then headed to Mimi's to have lunch with Mimi and Granddad at some weird contemporary resturant. I wasn't crazy about the food their but man was their desert good! It was melted chocolate with toasted marshmellows of top and you dipped strawberries and graham crackers in it! It was to die for! After visiting with them for a little while we went to craigh ranch to look at the appartments we are thinking about as a possible option of where we live after we get married (overachiever? yes!) we circled around to find the leasing office and they were already closed. So we drove around looking at some of the houses there. The more and more I saw the more and more I wanted to see inside! and we did just that! Well only the houses being built of course! And it was so much fun! We decided on what we want for a future house some day! Then the lame part.... we had dinner at grammie and gramps' with mom, john and shelby. and all it was again was wedding wedding wedding wedding, oh and I got told I look Pregnant! Shortly after we left. I had had enough. View Image

Sunday, March 27, 2011- Ana's Birthday!!! We got up very early to have breakfast with Aunt Linda and Uncle Phil then had Craw fish lunch with my mom john and shelby. Then made our adventure back to School. 

Spring break wasn't the most exciting this year but I am happy just the way it turned out. :) After all, I only have five more weeks until i'm home for summer! :)

<3 Ashley