This is real, this is me.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

May 8, 2011

"If you go out looking for friends, you're going to find they 
are very scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you'll find them 
everywhere" - Zig Ziglar. 
  Some of the most important and precious relationships you could  ever have in life is that of a friend. People to lean on when something goes wrong or your dealing with hard times. Or just have someone to talk to when you feel lonely or have exciting news. They celebrate and hurt in those moments with you. Your lives may change but  true friends, real friends, always stay friends even through differences. 

Today I realized how important friends truly are through gaining new friends and reminiscing with current friends. No matter what happens along the way having friends will get you through anything. I am so thankful for the friendships I have in my life. I only hope that they continue to be strong and long lasting through the summer and forward. 

"When one door of happiness closes, 
another opens; but often we look so long 
at the closed door that we do not see the one 
which has been opened for us" -Helen Keller

Perhaps we never know whats coming but these two quotes really spoke to me today as I travel in a new direction and gaining friends along the way. 

Only 5 more days at Ouachita, I couldn't be more excited to be going home! 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Light at the end of the tunnel

There is FINALLY light at the end of the tunnel... I'm escaping the bubble! This past weekend started of badly but yesterday made it all worth it. On Wednesday of last week I got a call from Dillards for a job interview for Friday. Well as Justin and I were headed home my phone rang, I wasn't sure who it was so I answered it; it was J C Penney's calling to set up an interview! So Saturday I would have an interview with them. Then when we were about half way home I got another phone call, from Charlotte Russe for an interview on Sunday. Needless to say my weekend was very busy. Well we flew home as fast as we could so I could get to Dillards on time, but when I got there the lady I was interviewing with forgot about me... How does that happen? Irresponsible much? So I just left (I wasn't all that bummed once they explained how the interviewing process worked) and as of today, Tuesday, I still haven't gotten a call from that lady(she said she would call to reschedule). Well I left kind of up set but I was looking forward to my interview at JCP. Saturday came and I got all dressed up for my interview and was surprisingly not that nervous, and it was a success! They talked to me as if I was already hired! I almost wanted to ask if I was hired!?! But I just decided to wait to see what they said. The manager for the receptions wanted to get my background check started right away (which would mean I was hired) but the salon manager said they probably would but to give it a day. And yesterday I got the call that they were running my background check and that the salon manager (mark) would call me either Wednesday or Thursday to schedule my official start date (Sunday, May 15). Well Sunday came I contemplated going to my interview at Charlotte Russe but i'm glad I did. Because I got hired there too! 

I took the job at JCP! So I will be working full time with full benefits! :) I am so excited!!

<3 ME

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

So long, Far well you GDO's

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So I have decided to not come back to Ouachita. Why? Well, Nobody to live with, nothing I want to do here. So I am going to Collin College and Getting my RN, then I will hopefully be working in an OB/GYN's office helping women with sexual protection, pregnancies and delivering babies! I am very much looking forward to my new path I am taking in life. Its going to be a rough road ahead but we can make it :) Engagement plans still a go! :)

Also, More exciting news.... I've decided to get a puppy!!! I can't wait to get one! I'm looking to get a tiny little girl Pomeranian! They are precious! 
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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Chopped & ........

Well maybe...... nope definitely. 

I need roommates, any takers? any? ..... please....
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Next year is going to be an exciting year for me and I wanted people I like to share it with! 
Like an engagement..... March 2012... :D its coming. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring Break, Up To Date!

Boy oh boy! Its been a long time since I last logged on! I just came back two days ago from Spring break! The week we had of felt like only a day or two, there is never enough time when there are so many amazing people to see. Lets see if I can even remember what events happened over spring break. 

Friday, March 18, 2011- Justin and I left school after he had work (around 7:00PM) and we flew home, I mean, the speed limit of course! ( ha! me?! drive the speed limit?! naw.. more like 85) Luckily we made it home safely just a little before 10. Oh and it was mine and Justin's 17 month anniversary. :) 

Saturday, March 19,2011- I wish I could remember what I did, but this past week really is a blur to me now. ha! I'll be 20 in four months, I'm starting to feel the old age creep up on me.

Sunday, March 20, 2011- ...... again..... blurrrrrrr

Monday, March 21, 2011- I applied at a senior living center after I took Shelby to school that morning. Then went over to Aunt Linda and Uncle Phils to pick up Justin and Grandma so the five of us could go out to eat. We went to a new place (well new to me) called BJ'S it was decent, not my number one choice but it wasn't bad. Then we (Justin, Uncle Phil and I) spent the rest of the day shopping and picking up various different applications. By this time being home for a total of two days my asthma was OUT-OF-CONTROL and the worst part was.... I had no medicine or anything with me, not because I left it, it had expired! It had gotten so bad mom called the doctor and got me into their office immediately long story short, I got my medicines! I was more excited about that then if I would have just bought a new pair of shoes! weird? I know.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011- Was an exciting day! sort of? Being home and the different type of air and stuff in the air really was making breathing really difficult, the medicines had started working just yet. That morning Justin came over and took Shelby to school, then when I was ready I went with Justin to his eye appointment and since I had never been he let me come back, I was kinda of excited! It would have been really cool except I spent most of the time he was back there in the bathroom coughing uncontrollably eventually I just walked out side to cough so I could stop making people look at me weird. I finally settled down, and decided to go back inside and I missed the whole appointment but it was okay because I got to the most important part on time, picking out new glasses! :) Luckily, I gave my opinion before the coughing started again, I excused my self and went to the truck.... and threw up in Justin's truck.... luckily in a bag. Thank goodness Justin wasn't in the truck, talk about embarrassing! 

Wednesday, March 23,2011- I don't remember much about this day either but I do know that my asthma started to chill out! and it was a special day, Justin and I drove out to restland to go "visit" his mom and papa, and I was formally introduced to his mom (since she passed away before I met her). I was the first person to go out there with Justin and he wanted it to be special for us. Aunt Linda and Uncle Phil took us out to the Fish-shack, and we had CRAW FISH! The best I've ever had!
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Thursday, March 24, 2011- Justin had his second epidural shot that was localized to the L4 vertebra were his herniated disc is. He did great with going under and everything! He even walked out by himself, for the most part. Mimi got to meet daddy that day! 

Friday, March 25,2011-wedding, wedding, wedding, wedding, wedding. Who's? not mine, moms.  We went and looked at invitations, ideas for center pieces, favors, everything that goes into a wedding all about theirs. and then some of mine, hardly any though. 

Saturday, March 26,2011- Today was a very busy but fun day! We woke up early for breakfast together just Justin and I. Then dropped off a million applications that Justin picked up, then headed to Mimi's to have lunch with Mimi and Granddad at some weird contemporary resturant. I wasn't crazy about the food their but man was their desert good! It was melted chocolate with toasted marshmellows of top and you dipped strawberries and graham crackers in it! It was to die for! After visiting with them for a little while we went to craigh ranch to look at the appartments we are thinking about as a possible option of where we live after we get married (overachiever? yes!) we circled around to find the leasing office and they were already closed. So we drove around looking at some of the houses there. The more and more I saw the more and more I wanted to see inside! and we did just that! Well only the houses being built of course! And it was so much fun! We decided on what we want for a future house some day! Then the lame part.... we had dinner at grammie and gramps' with mom, john and shelby. and all it was again was wedding wedding wedding wedding, oh and I got told I look Pregnant! Shortly after we left. I had had enough. View Image

Sunday, March 27, 2011- Ana's Birthday!!! We got up very early to have breakfast with Aunt Linda and Uncle Phil then had Craw fish lunch with my mom john and shelby. Then made our adventure back to School. 

Spring break wasn't the most exciting this year but I am happy just the way it turned out. :) After all, I only have five more weeks until i'm home for summer! :)

<3 Ashley 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Romans 10:9-13

Today has truly been an amazing day! Justin accepted Jesus into his life! I could not be more thrilled, prayers were certainly answered today!

Today in Chapel former NFL player, Scott Turner, visited our campus and talked to us about salvation and not turning your back on God when things get rough and used his college/NFL experience to tell the story. Of course as soon as Justin saw NFL on the screen when we first walked in his said to me "dang! I better listen today!" I just looked at him with a look he normally gets when he says something silly. But little did we both know that today God was speaking through Mr. Turner and straight to Justin's heart. 

After leaving chapel, Justin was excited more than normal and just kept saying I really want to talk to this guy before he leaves! And that he did. Mr. Turner was down at the football field house (where Justin's next class was) and they got to talking, I'm not sure exactly what was said but they ended the conversation with a prayer and since that Justin has been overwhelmed with excitement and Joy. 

I was in Microeconomics when Justin texted me telling me he had something so exciting to tell me but he had to tell me in person. I asked what it was about and he said he couldn't tell but he had gotten the chance to talk to Mr. Turner! I got out of class and met him at chick-fil-a for lunch, thinking that he was going to say he talked to Mr. Turner about the NFL and got pointers and what not. Little did I know I would be shedding happy tears for the rest of lunch. 

Justin was so anxious to tell me! I felt bad cause I really needed to go to the bathroom so I made him wait for I would have definitely peed my pants! When I came back he looked at me with a smile and said, "I'm ready" I looked at him confused I wasn't sure what he was talking about so I asked "Ready? For what?" he said he didn't "know how to put it, but yesterday was the anniversary of you giving your life to Jesus; Today is mine." At that moment I couldn't figure out how to say anything I just smiled back at him and tears filled my eyes, I couldn't have been more excited!

Tonight, we will be praying together and Justin will be giving his life to God. I am so excited to see what God has planned for our lives together and walk together with Christ. I am just over joyed at all the excitement today!

"That if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord'. And believe in your heart that God raised from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, 'Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame'. For there is not difference between Jew and Gentile- the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for ' Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved'.(Romans 10:9-13)

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Valentines day is tomorrow and it feels like everyone is getting engaged. Every other week it seems that someone else is getting a beautiful diamond on their finger and is filled with joy beginning to plan their wedding, a dream that has finally came true. I cannot wait until I have that beautiful ring on my finger and I will finally be able to call Justin, my fiancĂ©e. We already have most of our wedding already planned! Believe it or not. We have a date, a guest list, colors, bridesmaids, groomsmen, flower girl, etc. It seems like we are already engaged just without the officialness of it and that beautiful ring. 

I cant believe how time fly's it seems like yesterday I was dreaming up what my wedding would look like and who that handsome man would be waiting for me to meet him at the alter. I am so excited that I have found that handsome man and the great times we have had together, and even the hard. He is a wonderful man, I couldn't have been luckier. I just cant wait to actually be wearing my beautiful white dress, walking down the aisle with my dad, smelling the roses in my bouquet watching people smile and stare in awe of how beautiful I look. Then to meet the man of my dreams who in a few minutes will be my husband. And we can officially begin our life together and creating a home, memories, and a family. 

Happy Valentines Day